February 19, 2025

Josiah Schock

Next Generation Transportation Technology

5 Engine Maintenance Tips To Keep Your Car Running Strong All Winter

5 Engine Maintenance Tips To Keep Your Car Running Strong All Winter


If you’ve been wondering how to keep your car in good shape this winter, we’re here to help! We’ve put together a list of tips that will help you keep your engine running strong all season long.

5 Engine Maintenance Tips To Keep Your Car Running Strong All Winter

Get your oil changed before the cold sets in.

  • Get your oil changed before the cold sets in.
  • Oil is vital to the running of your engine, so it’s important to keep it fresh and clean. It protects parts from wear and tear, helps keep your engine cool, lubricates the moving parts inside a car so they can slide easily past each other (which prevents friction), prevents rust, corrosion and keeps everything running smoothly for longer periods of time.

Check your tire pressure to make sure your tires are ready for winter driving.

  • Check your tire pressure to make sure your tires are ready for winter driving.
  • Tires that are under-inflated can cause poor braking, reduced handling and an increase in stopping distance. This can be especially dangerous on snow or ice-covered roads where you need maximum control over your vehicle.
  • Check the tire pressure in all four tires at least once a month, more often if you drive often or live in a climate prone to rapid temperature changes (like springtime in Chicago).
  • The best time to check your tires’ air pressure is when they’re cold–so wait until after driving before checking them out!

Make sure all fluids are topped off, but don’t overfill them.

  • Make sure all fluids are topped off, but don’t overfill them.
  • Check the oil level in your engine at least once a month to make sure it doesn’t need to be changed. If you have an automatic transmission, check the transmission fluid as well.
  • Brake fluid should be checked every two years and power steering fluid every three years (or more often if you drive a lot). Windshield washer fluid should also be checked periodically–and if you drive in cold weather or frequently wash your car with high-pressure water hoses (which can cause leaks), it’s worth topping off this reservoir more often than usual.

Replace worn belts and hoses.

If your car has been running a bit rough lately, it could be time to replace some of its belts and hoses. Belts are the rubber bands that connect the engine’s pulleys together, while hoses carry fluids through the engine’s various components. Both can wear out over time and need to be replaced at regular intervals–typically every 50k miles or so (though this varies depending on the vehicle).

If you suspect that one of these parts may be faulty, check out our guide on how to check for worn belts and hoses here! If they’re worn out enough for concern, head down to your local auto supply store for replacements before winter hits in full force.

Replace plugs and wires when necessary.

  • Replace the plugs and wires when necessary.
  • Check your engine’s plugs and wires for wear and tear, especially if you drive a lot in the winter. You should replace them every 40,000 miles or so (or sooner if they’re worn).
  • If you see cracks or holes in either component, it’s time to change them out before they cause further damage to your car’s engine system.
  • Replacing these components can cost anywhere from $100-$200 depending on where you get them installed by professionals (but don’t forget about labor costs).

Keep an eye out for these things to help make sure your car will be in great shape this winter!

  • Before you go
  • Check the weather forecast.
  • Don’t forget to check the weather forecast before you leave for work.
  • Don’t forget to check the weather forecast before leaving for work in the morning, and if there’s an incoming storm or snowstorm, try not to drive on icy roads unless absolutely necessary!


We hope this list of five easy-to-do maintenance tips has been helpful. We know that winter can be a stressful time for people who drive, but with these simple steps you can make sure your car is ready for anything! If you have any questions about how to keep your vehicle running smoothly through the cold months, don’t hesitate to contact us at (555)-555-5555 or email us at [email protected]